
Bump-A-Site is a unique top site list with a unique ranking. Instead of ranking by votes, it ranks by last vote. When a site is voted for, it is bumped to the top. This makes a bigger movement in the list and allows each site to be seen by the top.

However, each vote gives the site points. Using the voting code, the webmaster can decide if votes will go to the top site list, or redirect to the home page of the website, which gives 2 points.

What are points for you may ask? Points are used to "buy" ad space on the banner rotator that is built-in. The more points they have, the more they can get their site seen on the top section!

Here are some of the many features this script has:

  • IP based voting (can't vote twice in a row from the same IP)
  • Plain text messenger section for webmasters to send each other messages from the control panel
  • Built-in ad rotator
  • Ability to have voters end up on home page or top site list (chosen by webmasters that have their sites listed)
  • Easy to understand logs based on days. Not checking them for a long time won't leave you with a huge log, but rather multiple logs named by date. ...And much more!


    (Zip file - 26.1KB)

    Screen shot

    (Red Squirrel Scripts Home | IceTeks Tech Community)